Mii-dera (Onjo-ji Temple)
Temple or Shrine in The Shiga area
Located on the mountainside of Nagarayama, South West of Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga prefecture the Mii-dera (formally known as the Onjo-ji Temple), as head temple of the Tendaijimon Buddhist sect, has long been considered as one of the Four Great Temples of Japan. It was first erected in 686 by the son of Emperor Kobun, in memory of his father, and came to be known as Mii-dera (three-wells), with its spring water being used to bathe the newborn Emperor Tenji, Tenmu, and Jito.
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Opening hours
From 8:00 to 17:00
Adults ¥500, High School and Junior High School Students ¥300, Elementary School Students ¥200.